Wednesday, November 25


Some people believe that your character is linked to the date you were born. They say that you can predict your future by your star sign. Horoscopes are based on the position of the stars when you were born.

Then read your daily horoscope at the end of the page. 

Sunday, November 15

PRONUNCIATION: English Vowels and Consonants

Click on this link and take some time to practise the English vowels, diphthongs and consonants:  Phonemic chart

Or, if you prefer, you can download this executable file and save it on your pendrive to use it on your computer:   Download and save file

Wednesday, October 7

Swine Flu Advert

Go to  and find the meaning of these words & expressions:

sneeze   hold / shake hands     wipe your hands    smile     swine  flu     tissue     press / button       pinch   touch     

NOW WATCH the video and answer the questions:

  1. Where are these people? What are they doing? 
  2. What is wrong with the man in the blue jacket?
  3. Why should he use a tissue?
  4. What shouldn´t he do?
  5. What does "going down" mean in this context?
  6. Do you understand the slogan in this advert?: "Catch it, bin it, kill it"  

A new year ...

  Hi, there!

This year you will be practising your English on this site.We’ll use this blog as a communication tool and as a complement to the classroom activities and the student’s book.

Now you!
Time to introduce yourself. Write a short paragraph about you. Use full sentences and include these details: name, age, origin, favourite subjects, hobbies, likes & dislikes, favourite music, etc.