Wednesday, October 7

Swine Flu Advert

Go to  and find the meaning of these words & expressions:

sneeze   hold / shake hands     wipe your hands    smile     swine  flu     tissue     press / button       pinch   touch     

NOW WATCH the video and answer the questions:

  1. Where are these people? What are they doing? 
  2. What is wrong with the man in the blue jacket?
  3. Why should he use a tissue?
  4. What shouldn´t he do?
  5. What does "going down" mean in this context?
  6. Do you understand the slogan in this advert?: "Catch it, bin it, kill it"  

A new year ...

  Hi, there!

This year you will be practising your English on this site.We’ll use this blog as a communication tool and as a complement to the classroom activities and the student’s book.

Now you!
Time to introduce yourself. Write a short paragraph about you. Use full sentences and include these details: name, age, origin, favourite subjects, hobbies, likes & dislikes, favourite music, etc.